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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Final Countdown Begins

Only 14 days of summer left for me. In two weeks I have Waldorf College Library training in the AM. On AUG 17 I start my work at the schools I go to. Thus my life gets busy and more scheduled!

I have really enjoyed the past weekend learning about new technology tools for education via an e-conference called Reform Symposium 2010. IT WAS AWESOME! There were free sessions on many topics from presenters from around the world! You can read more about it on my technology blog at www.techwalks.blogspot.com or go to www.reformsymposium.com. "It's not about the tools, it's about the skills." I was awed at the passion expressed by the presenters [who presented for free, BTW] and their dedication to education. I have some book titles I plan to order for the Professional shelf at the schools.
Here are a few stats about the conference: 712 registered users, 3 days of conference, 35 presentations/keynotes/panels, 59 different countries represented, 4874 total visits to the website, 4239 tweets, 366 visits from mobile devices, and 313 attendees at the opening keynote address. AND IT WAS FREE AND COULD BE USED FOR PD! They are already talking about planning the next one!
I talked to Terry Freedman in England, Alex G. Francisco in Portugal, Silvia Tolisano in the USA, and Judith Way in Australia! Shelly Terrell and the Ellumanate company were behind the e-conference idea. As educational architects we can no longer NOT know and use the tools of Web 2.0 to facilitate learning.

It will take me a while to debrief and try the tools that were suggested. I look forward to the rscon's archives to peruse what I missed. I'm looking into WallWisher, Skype, and Shelfari to start with.

My motto this school year is YOU ARE A GENIUS AND THE WORLD NEEDS YOUR CONTRIBUTION. I'm making posters and putting that statement in all my library media centers.

OK, OK, off the education soapbox [for now! :)]
Yesterday I checked the house in Rockwell for water damage from the rains we have received lately. The basement was dry. Steve has done a lot of work over there! THANK YOU, BUDDY. I LOVE YA, MAN! He comes the end of August to finish up. Anyone want to buy some property in Rockwell, IA?

I started reading book 2 of the Guardians of Time Trilogy - The Dark - by Marianne Curley. I had to put it aside for awhile to attend the e-con. I should get it done and on to book 3 before the end of the week.

My little container garden is doing well. I have 1 little tomato growing! I have 2 tomato plants, 3 pepper plants, and lots of flowers. I did have another tomato plant that I put in one of those up-side-down bags, but it died. Anyone want one of those bags?!? HA-HA The pic was taken today.

Tomorrow I meet with the library aides from WH to train to use the new automation system, Destiny. I'm really excited about it!

As I should get going, I'll close for now.

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