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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Today is a strangler! It is so humid that it's hard to breathe outside. My thermometer says 100 degrees. I've stayed inside most of the day. I don't know why the dogs keep wanting out. Maybe it has something to do with the treats they get when they come back in!

Geoff was in town over the weekend. he spent Saturday afternoon and evening working on Lynne's car. And came back Sunday afternoon to continue. Sadly it's not fixed yet.

I've been trying to squeeze in time to finish the 3rd book in the Guardians of Time trilogy by Marianne Curley - The Key. It's a fantasy read for young adults, maybe JH. If you like fantasy, time travel, light romance, monsters, then you'll like this series!

I've been dragging my feet about getting back to school. I have numerous things to do at each district. Sometimes I feel I don't know where to start! I guess I'll get my lists started and check off projects as I go!

How has your summer gone so far? I know it's about over too!
Looking back I (1)traveled [CO, KS, and Keokuk, IA] (2)took two classes and participated in an online conference (3)planted some flowers and vegetables (4) read almost, if not, 10 books (5)went to several movies and (6)worked on collecting info to become a DAR [Daughter of the American Revolution] during this summer.

I've spent more time with my laptop than ever before! Since my classes and conference have dealt with tech tools in the classroom, I've been busy trying to find Web 2.0 tools that I will use with my classes. Blogging is one of them! I also like Glogster, Animoto, and Twitter. I probably won't use Twitter in the classroom but I'm personally a Tweet because of the networking possibilities with other educators/librarians. They are part of my PLN [Personal Learning Network].

Please keep my sister-in-law/Steve's sister, Mary Beth N. and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she is scheduled for surgery on the 12th.

Lynne will be home from work in a little while, so I better start supper.
Until next time.....

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