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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3/4 Done!

Well, Folks, the end is in sight!
I am almost finished with all my schools.  Waldorf, Ventura, West Hancock - school's out!  2 days left for Belmond-Klemme.  I should be done with all PO's and cleaning by June 1st.  We don't have to complete State Reports this year!
Contracts are due to come out at B-K by the end of this week or next week.  I am at a crossroad.  What should I do?  What should I do?  I have heard from many different camps with various levels of opinions.
The dilemma? Stay in Iowa and continue at my present jobs or move to Kansas without a job.  At this point I am not qualified to be a school librarian in KS - I need a waiver from the KDE.  I can not apply for employment until I get that waiver.
Do I put what I want to do in front of what is expected of what I should do?  Am I staying in IA because of money (greed) when I should be in KS because of love?  What if I can't get a job in KS right away?  There are so many if's....
PROS: 1. I like being a librarian/having a job I like. 2. I like having my own money. 3. I'm close to my kids, Dad, a sister, and Steve's family (within 3 hours). 4. Steve says I can decide to do as I wish.
CONS: 1. Not living with Steve. 2. I don't have a job. 3. More that 7 hours away from family. 4. Living alone. 5. Winter weather. 6. Costly to live up North.
I REALLY wish someone would just look into the future and tell me what to do.  Yes, I've talked with God and asked for his guidance.  I'm waiting for a sign.  Maybe I've seen it and just didn't know it!
I'm planning 2 trips during June.  In mid-June, our niece Leandra marries her love, Daniel in Le Mars, IA.  Later in the month, Dad and I will travel to Keokuk, IA to visit relatives.  In July, I'll travel out to Colorado to dog-sit for Marie and Jeff while they go to Washington State.  My sister Tina is going to ride out with me.
Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers for better health: Mary Beth N., Jack S., Marc S., and Irma T.  Also that Marta M. has a safe birth and a healthy baby.
Congratulations to all the High School and College graduates!  (especially Bobbi C., Jaimie S., Taylor S., Nicole W., Kourtney J., Zac S., and Jonny E.)  WAY TO GO!!
Well, if you haven't weighed in with your 2 cents worth of advice let me know what you think!
Love you all - Theresa


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