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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another winter day...

Well, there's still snow out there! Weather reports say we'll get 1-4 inches blowing between this Sunday & Monday. This is getting OLD! However the temps are supposed to be warmer.
I assume the big news is that the Super Bowl is tomorrow with Colts against Saints. Is this BIG news for anyone??? I don't even really follow football and even I know this! I wish it could have been the Vikings. Now I'm cheering for the Colts - just because they have a Manning boy on their team!
By now Geoff is enjoying life down under. He flew to Australia on Friday with his group from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. He'll be doing his second semester there. He returns at the end of May. Then, he says, he has a summer job in Alaska driving a boat for vacationers and sports fishermen for 3 months. Oh to be young!!!
This past week was the first week since before Christmas that we've had a full 5 day week of school. No wonder everyone was tired yesterday! So far we've had 6 snow days with school now ending the first week of June. It's only early February! We still have 3 months to go! I've seen it snow storm in April. This snow storm thing seems to be happening about every other week. maybe Al Gore was right about global warming.
Looks like Steve is going to try to make it up to Iowa during the last of each month. We need to get that house in Rockwell sold and he plans to work on it each time. He'll pick up/return Lynne at ISU in Ames along the way. This gives Steve & Lynne some father/daughter time. :) Speaking of Lynne, she says she really is enjoying her classes this semester.
Guess that's all for now. have a great day!


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