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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hotter than ?

We've been hit with hot weather - again! At least Steve has! He told me yesterday that it was so hot in KS that the TV transmitters quit. The heat exchanger couldn't handle the cooling job. They had to hose down the heat exchanger with water to cool it down. Today wasn't so bad.

Yesterday morning was from $%*&. (fill in the blanks!) I should have known it would be bad when I saw how thick the fog was. I swear you could have cut it with a knife! I and 4 library aides had a 3 1/2 hr library webinar meeting scheduled for 8:30AM in Kanawha. When I turned on the computers at WHMS there was no internet! I called the superintendent at 7:30AM and found out that there had been a power outage during the night in Britt. After scrambling, calling the host in AZ, stressing, we were able to finally get started at 9:30AM. We finished at 12:30PM.

Today Terri A. called me to tell me that she has a new job. [Her last day at Good Shepherd was Friday.] She is going to work as a companion to 2 clients 2-days a week. Her photography business [Focus! Photography By Terri] is going good too. Check her out on FB! This Saturday she will have a booth at the craft show at Nora Springs.

I talked to Geoff today and he said he's coming home for the weekend. He said he wants to take a look at Lynne's car and see if he can fix it.

I am so humbled! Some R-E-A-L-L-Y big edtech people are following ME on Twitter! For example, Shannon Miller, Daniel Staemmmler, Alexandra Francisco, and Nick Provenzano, to name a few. I am learning so much from them and other educational architects I 'meet' at rscon10. What a wonderful experience that was! What a PLN!

Lynne went school supply shopping yesterday. It's getting that time again. :)

I'm closing for now. Have a great day/night.

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