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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Slip, slip, slipping by

Summer is slipping by... too quickly! In reality I have only 2 weeks left until my obligations to Waldorf and my schools start! It seems like only yesterday school got out for summer. Of course new school supplies are in the stores for the picking.

Yesterday Lynne and I went to see the Sorcerer's Apprentice movie. I love Nicholas Cage! He did well in this movie. I think Lynne went along to keep me company but she ended up liking the movie too. It's not The Matrix, but it has some very nice special effects. If you're a movie buff, you'll catch some lines from other movies. Lynne, however, did not like the ending. Since I don't want to spoil it, I'll leave it at that.

Speaking of movies and actors, I'm a little sad about one of my favorite actors - Mel Gibson. I just don't know what's up with him lately.
He ain't right in the head.
I'm very disappointed in his personal life choices right now. But he is human and who am I to judge?

Please add your prayers to mine for these people who need healing thoughts: Mary N., Bobbie C. & Susan C. I hope you feel better and heal fast!

I just finished the book, The Named by Marianne Curley. Now for the sequel, The Dark. The third book in the Guardians of Time Trilogy is The Key. I enjoyed the first book. If you like fantasy, sci fi, time travel, or history, you'll like this series. It's not heavy sci fi like Star Trek or Star Gate. It's fantasy.

I forgot to wish Ethan N. a happy b-day on FB. So will today. I didn't forget Dale H. I get all my news on FB! Devin & Laura R. sold their house, Brad H. has a girlfriend, Kevin & Tina R. had a tree fall during a bad storm, Amy W. flew to Las Vegas, Chris R. is stationed at Ft. Riley, and a lot of people are on vacation in wonderful places!

RAGBRAI [The Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa] went through my town last Tuesday. I heard around 20,000 bikers pedaled from Algona to Clear Lake that day, around 60 miles. One of my neighbors took the trip. Dave M. said that he started in Algona early in the morning and made it to CL before lunchtime. The line moved fast, as he said he was going between 17 and 23 miles/hour. Lance Armstrong has done a leg of RAGBRAI in the past, but right now he's doing the Tour De France.

On a more personal note, I get my hair cut today and eyebrows waxed!

Friday was Terri A.'s last day at the Shepherd. Now it's on to
Focus! Photography by Terri.
Lynne and I went over to Nora Springs to celebrate with Terri and John. We enjoyed supper from The Nora Inn. Roger and Barb A. stopped by too.

I visited with my sister, Tina S-R, on Thursday as she stopped by en route to visit her grandson, Stratton.

Well, enough for now.
Until next time.....

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