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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Techno Girl!

Well, not really 'Techno Girl' because I don't know/use every tech tool, but I'm working on it! I spent yesterday updating blogs, created a Flickr account, reading email, etc.
I especially like www.edu.glogster.com and www.Animoto.com. With Glogster, you can create online posters with movable parts. I have 2 examples of Glogster on my FB profile page. With Animoto you can create 30 second videos from your photos. Both of the basic packages are free with paid upgrades available.
I have so many tech tools that I have had to compile a list to include my username and password. I know, bad choice! But how else will I remember?!?
Lynne has suggested a stack of books for me to read. I finished her "my most favorite book of all time" Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale by Holly Black. I need to acquire the sequel, Ironside. Holly Black is the co author of The Spiderwick Chronicles. It was a good read, especially if you like fantasy. This story has faeries instead of vampires and werewolves. The explicit language and adult situations make it a young adult book for ages 12 and up. Book Summary: Sixteen-year-old Kaye is a modern nomad. Fierce and independent, she travels from city to city with her mother's rock band until an ominous attack forces Kaye back to her childhood home. Kaye discovers she is really a pixie faerie, switched at birth with a human child. She is asked to help save the Seelie world of the faeries, but is hampered by her love of the evil Unseelie World's First Knight -- a struggle that could very well mean her death. A fun, magikal read!
I am starting on the 'Guardians of Time Trilogy' by Marianne Curley. [The Named, The Dark, and The Key]. I'll let you know how these go. Book Summary: Ethan, one of the Named, fights the Order of Chaos and its destruction in the present by traveling through time.
There is much info on the net about fairies, faeries, fey, etc. Start with Wikipedia. You will find some variation of the wee folk in many cultures and countries. I even found ways to attract them to my home and garden - which I might try! First I have to get me a little birdhouse and decorate it to please my guest!
Just as Dorothy met a good witch, and a bad witch, there good and bad faeries. I won't weigh down this post with fairy info - if you're interested - find a good faerie book or surf the net or email me and we can discuss it!
Check out my journey down the Technology Trail in my blog: www.techwalks.blogspot.com. Share some of your tech finds with me!
Until next time...

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