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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Me Bad

I really have not been very loyal to my blog! Please forgive me. This is the 3rd attempt to complete it.
Lately [and this is no excuse-BTW] I have been busy.
On Friday, 16-JUL, Lynne and I and the 2 dogs drove out to Marie & Jeff's house in Colorado. We returned on 20-JUL. What a long drive. Marie says I can fly out of Omaha and be in Denver in less than 2 hours. Our road trip was 13 hours long. You know Nebraska is a very wide state!
We are putting in a new library automation system [Destiny] at my West Hancock schools and I have been attending meetings in Britt about that. I was there this last Thursday and Friday and have another one next Monday. They are webinar conference calls. Then I have another one with the library aides on 3-AUG. We plan to be up-and-running when school starts!
I am on the technology team at my Belmond-Klemme schools and we're meeting too. Dr. Scott McLeod is scheduled to attend our before school PD! I think our leader, Trish M., is really doing a nice job to get us ready to 'face' the digital natives.
On that note, I have been using my twitter account to learn about new and innovative ways to use technology tools. There is so much and so many neat ideas from other educators for education! If you are a tweet, check out ShannonMiller, McLeod, TMorrisBK, jamiefath, NJSaurs, or TheresaReiter [me]. There are a number of teachers from B-K who are tweeters too! That's what I use Twitter for - a network of other educators who share their ideas and finds. OK. OK. I'm also following Gene Simmons, Craig Ferguson, and Catherine Bell!
Well, it's the weekend! Enjoy!
Until next time....

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