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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The weather has been pretty nice lately - not too hot. No rain!
Steve has been working at the property in Rockwell. He siad the BIG dumpter is half full already from stuff in the shed. While he was working three people stopped by to ask him if the house was for sell. There isn't any affordable housing in Rockwell, unless you want to pay $200,000 or more. We plan to have it on the market by September. I'll probably go over tomorrow and work in the house.
Yesterday I got a call from Waldorf College. They want to hire me! I would start in mid-August and work to mid-May. I will be the evening reference librarian. It's not offical yet [I have some papers to sign] but they offered me the job. This will help to offset the days I lost at B-K.
Yesterday we finally made it to the Chinese place to eat for Lynne's birthday. Then we stopped for ice cream at the CL DQ and finished our evening with a riding tour around the lake.
I spent the afternoon today getting the ball rolling for West Hancock's new library automation system. We will be using Microsoft settlement money to buy the Destiny software program for the 3 library media centers. I'd like to be done before school starts.
Well, that's about it! Until next time....

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