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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all you Dads!

Once again it is time to honor all those dads out there. Happy Father's Day to my dad, Stan Sherrill and to my husband, Steve Reiter.
Yesterday I spent the whole day sleeping and watching TV. Trying to catch up on lost sleep and brain use during computer boot camp I guess! I did look into my Twitter account and Face Book site. Added a few more tweets to follow and read over more recent news.
If I haven't said it enough, I'll say it again! I am so glad I was able to attend the Scott McLeod/AEA 267 'Shift Control' sessions during this past school year. I have learned so much and made some good contacts with the participants. Now to go back and put their ideas, suggestions, and tech tools to work in my school districts! I've been making a list of the teachers I want to target [ask] for collaboration. I want to introduce and use some of the tech tools I learned about with my classes.
Finally we will find out what out contracts are this coming week. B-K School has put off issuing contracts until all 3 of their new administrators were hired. Well, that's done! Let's find out what kind of job I have for 2010-2011! There are a few others wondering the same thing about their jobs, too!
Steve comes to Iowa for a 10-day visit starting next Saturday, 26-JUN. YEAH! He will be here until 5-JUL. YEAH! He says it's been very hot in KS. In Iowa all we get is rain or snow. This next week he heads to western KS to clean out a storage shed or something.
I have a interview with Waldorf College for the position of Library Assistant on Wednesday. This will be interesting!
Well, my friends, I've got to go.
Until next time...

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