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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On the road again....

As many of my FB friends know, I recently took a 5-day trip to Wichita, KS, to visit Steve. Well, I'm on the road again! This time to Cedar Falls, IA, for a 3-day class with Dr. Scott McLeod.
It's a computer boot camp and other info on technology. I'm down here with 2 other people from the Belmond-Klemme School. It should be an intense 3 days! We're staying in a hotel so we don't have to drive each day. I'll let you know more later.

Now for the trip to Wichita: Terri A, & I toured Old Cowtown Museum, Mid-America All-Indian Center with the Keeper of the Plains statue, and the Museum of World Treasures [all in Wichita]. Steve, Terri, and I toured the Kansas Underground Salt Museum, the Cosmosphere [both in Hutchinson], and the Great Plains Transportation Center in Wichita. And we didn't see everything the Wichita area had to offer! So after 1470 miles and 83.5 gallons of gas later, I was home! The photo is of the Keeper of the Plains, a gift from Native American artist Blackbear Boison to the city of Wichita in 1974. We ate at several popular eateries: Spangles, Texas Roadhouse, River City Brewery, and IHOP.

Please check my FB profile [Theresa LeeAnn Reiter] for more pictures of lots of things!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Scott McLeod said...

I'll see you later today in Cedar Falls. Clearly you won't need the Blogger portion of the boot camp training. You can help us help the other participants! =)


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