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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Let Freedom Ring!

Happy American Independence Day, Everyone! I hope everyone has a great 4th of July holiday!

The Irish tourists returned on Thursday, June 3oth. I think they were glad to get home. They brought me back some souvenirs, too! I got a magnet from Newgrange, some candy, and a 'Boyle' key chain. Steve's grandma, Marion was a Boyle. The Boyles came from County Tyrone.

I think everyone [and that includes dogs] was glad to see Marie and Jeff back in Fort Collins.

Yesterday Steve drove up from KS. He had never been to M & J's new house. After a house tour, we enjoyed viewing the pictures taken on the recent trip to Ireland. What a beautiful country! Their photos really captured the green island's unique character.

Later we toured Old Town [downtown FC] and ate a mountain pie [FC style pizza] at BeauJo's Pizza. It was really good. The center of the pie is piled high with toppings. The pizza has a thick rope-shaped crust around the edge. If you don't eat all the crust you can use it as your dessert! There's honey on the table for use with the crust. They are ordered by the size of the pizza based on how many servings you want. We ordered a 1/2 hamburger and 1/2 sausage combo and a 'Skier Mike'. The 'Skier Mike' had Canadian bacon and chicken breast on it. Both pizzas were delicious!

There was quite a lot going on in Old Town. There were people EVERYWHERE! Of course, this being a holiday, why wouldn't there be! We listened to a street performer singing and watched one do tricks.

There was a woman sitting with a sign that read "I'll bet you a dollar that you 'll read this." Yes, I read the sign and yes, I gave her a dollar. I asked her if she was doing some social experiment or something. She said no, that she was jobless, with 2 kids and rent to pay. She only does this when she has time. She said she makes about $30-$40 dollars a night in donations. How sad that one has to go to such lengths to have money to live.

I saw a flyer for a ghost tour. "A guided journey into and under Old Town Fort Collins to explore local legends, hauntings, ghostly sightings, and strange happenings." There's a tour going on tonight! It lasts from 7:30-9:00pm and covers about a mile of ground. With our discount cards the cost is $10 each. Marie said she'd go with me. You can read about it at http://www.hauntedfortcollins.com/.

Well, enough of now!

Let freedom ring!

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