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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

While back in Iowa.....

I've been home from my trips for about a week now. I gotta say I had a nice visit and trip. I started back last Tuesday [July 5]. I drove from Fort Collins, CO, to Fremont, NE, ALL BY MYSELF! Not really all by myself as I had the dog girls Cricket and Nattie with me. I spent the night there in a hotel Steve had reserved for me. The dog girls slept in the car.
Then on Wednesday [July 6] I drove to Le Mars, IA, and visited with my Reiter relatives. I had a nice lunch at the home of Steve's sister [Mary Beth N.] and her family, plus Steve's parents were there, too.
Later I drove over to Milford, IA, to visit my Dad and my sister [Tina S-R] and her family. Her grandson, Stratt, was there visiting for the week. My brother, Tim, and his son Carter from TX were in IA for the July 4th Holiday. That night the famous singer Damon Dotson and his wife, Dallas, joined me and Tina's family for supper and we all went out on the new boat. It was very relaxing, even it it was buggy! I spent the night at my Dad's house.
On Thursday, [July 7] I headed for home. I got home in the early evening. On Friday, I just slept!
On Saturday, Terri tricked me into going with her to Strawberry Point, IA, to return her niece, Andie, who had been staying with her and John for a week. No she didn't really trick me... Terri and I had lunch at the Franklin Hotel and it was nice. I had a chicken salad sandwich, soup, and.... yes, strawberry pie! We decided that we would make a road trip back to S.P. in October and stay in the hotel. It's supposed to be haunted you know, by a ghost named Lilly! And yes, there are lots of strawberry decorations! Did you know that there is a statue of the world's largest strawberry there?!? Get the cameras!
Since early June I have been plagued with 2 sores that will not heal. One is on my left ankle and the other is on the top of my right foot. I have been to the doctor TWICE! They were infected and required oral antibiotics. FINALLY, they are getting better, but they are still tender. I have these huge bandages that cover them. They looks odd.
All too soon the summer is slipping away.
Until next time,

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