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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Bucket List for 2011

Here's a bucket list for 2011, inspired by Caribou Coffee

  1. Say 5 nice things about the person sitting across from you.
  2. Do more snowballs.
  3. Read more poetry.
  4. Give a kid some crayons.
  5. Build communities not empires.
  6. Surprise your B.F.F. with a cup of coffee.
  7. Hold hands, not grudges.
  8. Question authority.
  9. Sleep under the stars.
  10. Max out your passport.
  11. Take the stairs.
  12. Kiss slowly and forgive quickly.
  13. Remember where you came from.
  14. Get there on two wheels.
  15. Sip it, sip it good.
  16. Stir emotions.
  17. You are as wonderful as your pet thinks you are.
  18. Send your grandma or mother a card.
  19. Go home early and play with your kids.
  20. Take a 7 day weekend.
  21. Roll down the hill.
  22. Run your feet, not your mouth.
  23. Pick up the check.
  24. Teach a child to fish.
  25. Do the hokey pokey.
  26. Re-read your favorite book.
  27. Write a letter to someone.
  28. Watch the sun come up or go down.
  29. Count all your blessings and be thankful.
  30. Visit someone in the hospital or homebound.

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