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Iowa, United States
A baby boomer, married, mother of 3 adult children; Teacher Librarian by profession; enjoys reading, genealogy, and spontaneous events!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

ORANGE You Interested In......

Today I'm ORANGE! I went to Furleigh Farms in CL, with my sister Tina, and picked out some pumpkins out of their pumpkin patch! Really I bought 6 pie pumpkins, 1 white pumpkin, 1 acorn squash, 1 butternut squash, a jar of homemade salsa, and a jar of jelly. I love autumn!!!!

I picked up this flyer on pumpkins distributed by the Iowa Dept. of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS).

Here are some 'Pumpkin Facts'...

  1. Pumpkins are fruit - from the gourd family (cucurbit).

  2. Pumpkins are the largest fruit.

  3. Pumpkins come in 7 different colors - orange, green, yellow, red, white, blue & tan.

  4. Pumpkins are grown on 6 of 7 continents - the only place they aren't grown is Antarctica.

  5. The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word for "large melon" which is "Pepon." Then the Pepon went through cultural phases and was known as "Pompon", then Pumpion, and eventually to what we call it today, the PUMPKIN.

  6. 80% of the pumpkin supply in the U.S. is available in October.

  7. The bright orange color of most pumpkins is due to its richness in beta-carotene, which is an important antioxidant.

  8. Anamosa was officially named Pumpkin Capitol of Iowa by the Iowa Legislature in 1993.

  9. There are more than 38 pumpkin patches in Iowa.

  10. For Iowa pumpkin patch info, visit http://www.iowaagriculture.gov/.

  11. Native Americans introduced the Pilgrims to pumpkins and corn. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow and cook pumpkin and how to prepare dried pumpkin to last through the winter.

  12. The Irish in America were the first to carve their pumpkins into Jack'O'Lanterns. They originally used turnips.

  13. Stewed pumpkin was so much a part of the Pilgrim diet that one settler in 1630 wrote: "We have pumpkins at morn, and pumpkins at noon, if it were not for pumpkins we should be undoon."

I'm so exited that Halloween is only 29 days away, too! I hope you'll join me on October 29th at THE CANDY BAR (formerly THE POODLE) in MC around 8pm to celebrate this wonderful holiday! I'm dressing up as a witch. [NO comments or jokes, please! :)] Steve will be up from KS, but not in costume :( Check my FB page under events for more info. I'm dressing up for school on October 31st for the kids! Steve will be moving into a new place next month. He has rented an 1-story house 8 miles north from where he works. It has 2 bedrooms and a basement. It has all the appliances and room for the girl-dogs to run! He's very excited. I will be down over Thanksgiving to help him finish moving in.

Today I enjoyed lunch with my son, Geoff, and my sister, Tina. Tina was returning from CF where she visited her daughter Sadie @ UNI and her grandsons, Stratton & Benson, and their parents at their home. We had a nice time and a good lunch at Denny's in CL. Then Tina and I went to the pumpkin patch.

This was my weekend to work at the Waldorf College Library. It's not too bad.

My Mom's sister, Aunt Mary Margaret was in the hospital this past week and had surgery. two of her daughters, Mindy & Mickey, were able to be with her. She's home now. I hope she's feeling better. Thanks, Samantha, for keeping us up-to-date on her progress.

Our cousin, Shirley F., was also in the hospital last week and she's home now, too. Please keep these 2 people in your thoughts and prayers.

Well, maybe TMI for 1 blog! See ya next time!


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